To get number and informations of all monitors in C# and VB.NET you can use the following snippet.

Sample C#

for (int index = 0; index < Screen.AllScreens.Length; index++)
	var screen = Screen.AllScreens[index];
	Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", screen.DeviceName);
	Console.WriteLine("Bounds: {0}", screen.Bounds);
	Console.WriteLine("Working Area: {0}", screen.WorkingArea);
	Console.WriteLine("Primary Screen: {0}", screen.Primary);
	Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", screen.GetType());

Sample VB.NET

For index As Integer = 0 To Screen.AllScreens.Length - 1
	Dim screen__1 = Screen.AllScreens(index)
	Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", screen__1.DeviceName)
	Console.WriteLine("Bounds: {0}", screen__1.Bounds)
	Console.WriteLine("Working Area: {0}", screen__1.WorkingArea)
	Console.WriteLine("Primary Screen: {0}", screen__1.Primary)
	Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", screen__1.[GetType]())

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