To make a text blur in CSS you can use the following snippet.
Sample CSS
.blurtext { color: transparent; text-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); font-size: 60px; -webkit-transition: text-shadow 2.0 ease-out; -o-transition: text-shadow 2.0 ease-out; -ms-transition: text-shadow 2.0 ease-out; -moz-transition: text-shadow 2.0 ease-out; transition: text-shadow 2.0 ease-out; }
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: How to make a text blur in #CSS #html #php #js #javascript #jquery #programming
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: How to make a text blur in #CSS #html #php #js #javascript #jquery #programming