To XSL transform a XDocument in C# and VB.NET you can use the snippet below.
A more complex example which also works with custom namespaces can be found HERE.
Sample C#
public XDocument TransformXDocument(XDocument inputXml, string xslFile) { try { var xslt = new XslCompiledTransform(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb)) { xslt.Load(xslFile); xslt.Transform(inputXml.CreateReader(ReaderOptions.None), writer); writer.Close(); writer.Flush(); } return XDocument.Parse(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { //handle the exception your way return new XDocument(); } }
Sample VB.NET
Public Function TransformXDocument(inputXml As XDocument, xslFile As String) As XDocument Try Dim xslt = New XslCompiledTransform() Dim sb = New StringBuilder() Using writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb) xslt.Load(xslFile) xslt.Transform(inputXml.CreateReader(ReaderOptions.None), writer) writer.Close() writer.Flush() End Using Return XDocument.Parse(sb.ToString()) Catch ex As Exception 'handle the exception your way Return New XDocument() End Try End Function
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