To identify unused tags in WordPress you can use the following snippet.
SELECT * From wp_terms terms INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tax ON terms.term_id=tax.term_id WHERE tax.taxonomy='post_tag' AND tax.count=0;
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To identify unused tags in WordPress you can use the following snippet.
SELECT * From wp_terms terms INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tax ON terms.term_id=tax.term_id WHERE tax.taxonomy='post_tag' AND tax.count=0;
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RT @CodeSnippetsNET: How to identify unused tags in #Wordpress #wp #blog #web #html #css #php #mysql #phpmyadmin #sq…
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: How to identify unused tags in #Wordpress #wp #blog #web #html #css #php #mysql #phpmyadmin #sq…
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: How to identify unused tags in #Wordpress #wp #blog #web #html #css #php #mysql #phpmyadmin #sq…
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: How to identify unused tags in #Wordpress #wp #blog #web #html #css #php #mysql #phpmyadmin #sq…
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: How to identify unused tags in #Wordpress #wp #blog #web #html #css #php #mysql #phpmyadmin #sq…