How to show and select a file in explorer using C# and VB.NET
To show and select a file in explorer using C# and VB.NET you can use the following snippet. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
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To show and select a file in explorer using C# and VB.NET you can use the following snippet. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
To show and select a file in explorer using VBA you can use the following snippet. This snippet should also work in VB6. Sample VBA
To open a file or folder using VBA you can sue the follwing snippet. This snippet should also work in VB6. Sample VBA
To make a multicolumn listbox in VBA you can use the following snippet. This snippet should also work in VB6. Sample VBA
To exit an application in C# and VB.NET you can use the following snippet. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
To create and write a textfile in VBA you can use the following snippet. This should also work when using VB6. Sample VBA
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