How to get the current Database and Log Filesize using MSSQL
To get the current Database and Log Filesize using MSSQL you can use the snippet below. Tested using SQL Server 2012. Sample MSSQL Sample Output
All the Code Snippets and Samples you need
To get the current Database and Log Filesize using MSSQL you can use the snippet below. Tested using SQL Server 2012. Sample MSSQL Sample Output
To map Objects that need Constructor Parameters using Automapper you need to use the ConstructUsing Method while Creating the Map. See the Sample Console Applications below. Sample Console Application C#…
To select a item on rightclick using devexpress ListboxControl you need to use the MouseDown Event. See the samples below. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
To change the BackgroundColor of a XtraGrid Grouprow you need to use the Gridviews CustomDrawGroupRow Event. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
To get all Description Attributes of an Enum using C# or VB.NET you can use the snippet below. Sample C# – Class Usage C# Sample VB.NET – Class Usage VB.NET…
This snippet will help you to xsl transform xml files with custom namespaces. A Basic snippet which does only work without custom namespaces can be found HERE. The snippet will…
To use a counter in a XSL For-Each block, you can use the position() function, the Counter starts at value 1. Sample XSL see also MSDN position Function
To use the simply type percent (xs:decimal), see the snippet below.
To get the selected row index in Devexpress Xtragrid Control using C# and VB.NET you can use the snippet below. Samples Sample C# int selectedRowIndex = gridView1.FocusedRowHandle; Sample VB.NET Dim…
These are the Top 10 reads of April 2015. How to search stored procedures using MS-SQL How to manually populate a multicolumn devexpress TreeList using C# and VB.NET How to…