How to TRIM a string in MSSQL
To TRIM a string in MSSQL you can use the following Userdefinedfunction Snippet. Sample MSSQL
All the Code Snippets and Samples you need
To TRIM a string in MSSQL you can use the following Userdefinedfunction Snippet. Sample MSSQL
To check if a column exists in MSSQL you can use the following snippet. Sample MSSQL
To select date from datetime in MSSQL you can use the following snippet. Sample MSSQL The 104 is for, a list of formats can be found at the MSDN…
To learn how to use the Space() function in MSSQL you can take a look at the following snippet. Let’s say you have a table (tblTest) like this: ID…
To list all user defined functions in MSSQL you can use the following snippet. Sample MSSQL
To list all views in database in MSSQL you can use the following snippet. Sample MSSQL
To show all backups of a Database in MSSQL you can use the following snippet. This snippet will show you every path even if the backup does not exist anymore.…
To list last backup date of all databases in MSSQL you can use the following snippet. Sample MSSQL
To list all users in MSSQL you can use the following snippet.
To list all databases in MSSQL you can use the following snippet. Sample 1 MSSQL Sample 2 MSSQL