To read a textfile line by line in VBA you can use the following snippet.
To read a textfile complete into a string you can use How to read a textfile in VBA.
Sample VBA
public sub ReadTextFileLinebyLine() Dim sFileName As String Dim iFile As Integer Dim sLine As String on error goto errorhandler sFileName = "C:\Users\Codesnippets\Desktop\Test.txt" If Len(Dir$(sFileName)) = 0 Then Exit Sub End If iFile = FreeFile() Open sFileName For Input As iFile Do While Not EOF(iFile) Line Input #iFile, sLine Debug.Print sLine Loop Close iFile exit sub errorhandler: 'handle the error your way End Sub
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: How to read a textfile line by line in #VBA #excel #access #coding