Case-Insensitive String.Replace in C# and VB.NET
Here you can find a Case-Insensitive String.Replace method for C# and VB.NET. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
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Here you can find a Case-Insensitive String.Replace method for C# and VB.NET. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
To check if a character is Uppercase in C# and VB.NET you can use the following Extension Method Sample C# Sample VB.NET
In MSSQL IF ELSE is not supported inside the SQL-Query. For a similiar behaviour you should use CASE WHEN keyword. Sample Query
To change case in Python you can use the following methods. lower() swapcase() capitalize() title() upper()
This snippet will give you the IsUppercase extension method for C# and VB.NET Sample C# Sample VB.NET