How to trim a string using XSL 1.0
Since XSL 1.0 dows not have inbuild Trimming functions for Strings, you need to define your own templates. You can use the Trim Templates shown in the codesnippet below. Sample…
All the Code Snippets and Samples you need
Since XSL 1.0 dows not have inbuild Trimming functions for Strings, you need to define your own templates. You can use the Trim Templates shown in the codesnippet below. Sample…
To get element with the highest ID using XSL you can use the following snippet. XML: XSL:
To check if String is Null or Empty in XSL you can use the following snippet. Sample XSL
To do String Replace in XSL 1.0 you can use the following snippet. The Template can be invoked as:
To center a div in CSS you can use the following snippet. Sample CSS