Top 10 reads of July 2015
These are our Top 10 reads of July 2015. How to match strings using wildcards in C# and VB.NET IsSmallerThan generic extension method for C# and VB.NET How to prevent…
All the Code Snippets and Samples you need
These are our Top 10 reads of July 2015. How to match strings using wildcards in C# and VB.NET IsSmallerThan generic extension method for C# and VB.NET How to prevent…
This snippet will help you to xsl transform xml files with custom namespaces. A Basic snippet which does only work without custom namespaces can be found HERE. The snippet will…
To use a counter in a XSL For-Each block, you can use the position() function, the Counter starts at value 1. Sample XSL see also MSDN position Function
To use the simply type percent (xs:decimal), see the snippet below.
Since XSL 1.0 dows not have inbuild Trimming functions for Strings, you need to define your own templates. You can use the Trim Templates shown in the codesnippet below. Sample…
To get element with the highest ID using XSL you can use the following snippet. XML: XSL:
To create a newline using XSL Text you can use the following snippet. Sample XSL & #xd; creates a Carriage return & #xa; creates a Line Feed
To check if String is Null or Empty in XSL you can use the following snippet. Sample XSL
To escape & “ you simply need to use
To do String Replace in XSL 1.0 you can use the following snippet. The Template can be invoked as: