How to resize a image proportionally with CSS
To resize a image proportionally with CSS, simply set either width or height to auto. This should also work if the img html tag has width and height attributes set.
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To resize a image proportionally with CSS, simply set either width or height to auto. This should also work if the img html tag has width and height attributes set.
To print url after a link in CSS you can use the following snippet. When printing the page each link has its ahref target appended surrounded by Parentheses. Sample CSS
To flip a image in CSS you can use the following snippet.
To style a link by filetype in CSS you can use the following snippet. Sample CSS
To make a text blur in CSS you can use the following snippet. Sample CSS
To center a div in CSS you can use the following snippet. Sample CSS
CSS Web Safe Font Combinations Serif Fonts Georgia, serif “Palatino Linotype”, “Book Antiqua”, Palatino, serif “Times New Roman”, Times, serif Sans-Serif Fonts Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif “Arial Black”, Gadget, sans-serif “Comic…
To create zebra table effect with jQuery and CSS you can use the following snippet. jQuery in the css you need something like
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