To remove any post that is older than X days in WordPress you can use the query below.
Sample mySQL
DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), post_date) > X
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To remove any post that is older than X days in WordPress you can use the query below.
DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'post' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), post_date) > X
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RT @CodeSnippetsNET: Remove any post that is older than X days in #Wordpress #wp #blog #blogs #php #phpmyadmin #mysq…
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: Remove any post that is older than X days in #Wordpress #wp #blog #blogs #php #phpmyadmin #mysq…
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: Remove any post that is older than X days in #Wordpress #wp #blog #blogs #php #phpmyadmin #mysq…
RT @CodeSnippetsNET: Remove any post that is older than X days in #Wordpress #wp #blog #blogs #php #phpmyadmin #mysq…