How to change the BackgroundColor of a XtraGrid Grouprow using C# or VB.NET
To change the BackgroundColor of a XtraGrid Grouprow you need to use the Gridviews CustomDrawGroupRow Event. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
All the Code Snippets and Samples you need
To change the BackgroundColor of a XtraGrid Grouprow you need to use the Gridviews CustomDrawGroupRow Event. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
To get a random Color in C# and VB.NET you can use the following snippet. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
To choose a color using ColorDialog in C# and VB.NET you can use the following snippet. Sample C# Sample VB.NET
To create zebra table effect with jQuery and CSS you can use the following snippet. jQuery in the css you need something like
to validate hex value with regex you can use this snippet. Sample RegEx this regex will match: #112233 #FF1122 #aaffDD