To open a pdf at a specific page using AcroRd32Info in C# and VB.NET you can use the following snippet.

Sample C#

public static void OpenPdfAtPage(string document, int page) 
	object myProcess = new Process();
	object startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
	startInfo.FileName = "AcroRd32Info.exe";
	startInfo.Arguments = string.Format("/A \"page={0}\"{1}", page, document);
	myProcess.StartInfo = startInfo;

Sample VB.NET

Public Shared Sub OpenPdfAtPage(document As String, page As Integer)
	Dim myProcess = New Process()
	Dim startInfo = New ProcessStartInfo()
	startInfo.FileName = "AcroRd32Info.exe"
	startInfo.Arguments = String.Format("/A ""page={0}""{1}", page, document)
	myProcess.StartInfo = startInfo
End Sub

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