To scale a Size Object by percentage in C# and VB.NET you can use the following snippet.
Sample C#
public static Size Scale(this Size size, float scalePercent) { if (Math.Abs(scalePercent - 1) < float.Epsilon) { return size; } var height = (int) (size.Height*(scalePercent/100)); var width = (int)(size.Width * (scalePercent / 100)); return new Size(width, height); }
Sample VB.NET
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _ Public Shared Function Scale(size As Size, scalePercent As Single) As Size If Math.Abs(scalePercent - 1) < Single.Epsilon Then Return size End If Dim height = CInt(size.Height * (scalePercent / 100)) Dim width = CInt(size.Width * (scalePercent / 100)) Return New Size(width, height) End Function
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